As much as you can know and understand about yourself

keep -ing

from baseline (and basically rock bottom) in both self-awareness and menstrual awareness, I feel credible to share the methods, learnings, findings and research that got me from where I was (10+ years ago) to where & how I am now.
your -self
JRNL #1 is a total of 12 (3 x 4 weeks) guided journalling exercises
to deepen your -self -understanding
~ the more you know about your -self, the easier to live your best life ~
flow: wk1. ground (foundations) -> wk2. aim (vision) -> wk3. act (action) -> wk4. release (/review) ... 1. ground -> 2. aim -> 3. act -> 4. release
upon completion, this finished JRNL is the current blueprint of your -self.

self- aware

JRNL #2 = track to collect tangible self- data
to optimise your life (in line with you)
lifestyle, productivity & work, sleep & dreams, lunar cycle & energy fluctuations, menstrual cycle optimisation, gym & training, healthy habits...
flow: learn & observe -> strategise -> integrate -> apply & perfect
self- optimised
JRNL #3 is to put it all together
use what you now know to optimise your life and #liveyourbestlife
1. the best things - the vision, 2. remove fear & negative beliefs, 3. utilising your self awareness / what you now know, 4. your best life

The 28.D.JRNL is designed to work around you, for you for you.
Your input = your output.
"JRNL": journal (but shortened),
since the expectation and investment is as much / as minimal as you want.
Consider this your very own unique personalised guide to
discovering -> developing -> optimising & creating your best self.