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HOW TO EAT                      HOW TO MOVE                   HOW TO WORK

As much as you can know and understand about yourself


keep                                  -ing


from baseline (and basically rock bottom) in both self-awareness and menstrual awareness, I feel credible to share the methods, learnings, findings and research that got me from where I was (10+ years ago) to where & how I am now.

the 28.D.JRNL

A trilogy of guided journals

to discover, develop and optimise your -self 

your -self


JRNL #1 is a total of 12 (3 x 4 weeks) guided journalling exercises

to deepen your -self -understanding

~ the more you know about your -self, the easier to live your best life ~


flow: wk1. ground (foundations) -> wk2. aim (vision) -> wk3. act (action) -> wk4. release (/review) ... 1. ground -> 2. aim -> 3. act -> 4. release



upon completion, this finished JRNL is the current blueprint of your -self.


self- aware

JRNL #2 = track to collect tangible self- data

to optimise your life (in line with you)



lifestyle, productivity & work, sleep & dreams, lunar cycle & energy fluctuations, menstrual cycle optimisation, gym & training, healthy habits...


flow: learn & observe -> strategise -> integrate -> apply & perfect


self- optimised

JRNL #3 is to put it all together

use what you now know to optimise your life and #liveyourbestlife


1. the best things - the vision, 2. remove fear & negative beliefs, 3. utilising your self awareness / what you now know, 4. your best life


The 28.D.JRNL is designed to work around you, for you for you.

Your input = your output.


"JRNL": journal (but shortened),

since the expectation and investment is as much / as minimal as you want.


Consider this your very own unique personalised guide to

discovering -> developing -> optimising & creating your best self.

All information is collation of own research and personal experience. G holds a Human Biosciences BSc degree, and has completed a Nutritional Chef course, as well as having cooked alongside a Naturopathic chef for over 4 years, and worked with/for central London renowned health food businesses in both developmental and practical roles.

G has a wide array of experience and diverse skill set to now cook and eat incredibly intuitively. With developed and refined self- and cycle- awareness, intuition and kitchen skills, this platform is to pass on G's research and findings, and intuitively created recipes (that will apply widely since they are equally founded upon and combined with scientific findings in female hormonal research).

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