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The menstrual phase - a slightly more introverted, lower internal energy -phase calls for a slow, yummy & nourishing brekkie -

These waffles are full of nutrients and minerals that’ll nourish and kick start your day (even if you might be feeling slightly low power mode). They’re well worth the home-cooking as you start slowly, gradually waking up and taking in the day.

Buckwheat is the perfect grain for the menstrual phase, as it is high in protein, iron, and many other vitamins and micronutrients (read more here). Combining healthy fats (which support hormonal balance) with the fibre, grain and the cooked fruit, ensure a steady energy release through the morning.

Enjoy these blueberry banana buckwheat waffles for breakfast with a simple hot cocoa or nettle tea, and sink into the first phase of your cycle.


  • If you don’t have a waffle iron, use this batter recipe to make American-style thick pancakes in a pan.

  • For vegan option, sub the egg with 1 tbsp chia seeds soaked in 2tbsp water for a few minutes, stirring every so often to prevent clumping, then add to the recipe when the egg is added 

Blueberry Banana Buckwheat Pancakes with Omega Nut Butter and Blackstrap Molasses, a perfect breakfast for cycle syncing in the Menstrual Phase

Blueberry Banana Buckwheat Pancakes with Omega Nut Butter, coconut yoghurt and Blackstrap Molasses, a perfect breakfast for cycle syncing in the Menstrual Phase




  • Wholegrain and low GI sources of carbohydrate - fibre-encased to slow the release of glucose to the blood thus keeping blood sugars (and mood & energy) stable

  • Healthy fats from nuts and seeds (high in many vitamins ie E, Omegas, small amounts of protein, and fibre) also help to prolong the energy release of this meal, making it satiating and fuelling, without a big spike.

Majority; carbohydrates and fats, with a little protein (eggs and nuts). Up the protein if you need/want by adding protein powder to the batter, or go sweet and salty with scrambled eggs or bacon on top.


All ingredients are cooked, even the fruits inside the batter (blueberries and banana). Warm &/ cooked foods in this phase will help to keep your insides warm (esp. womb area). A lot is going on inside, best to nurture it - not give it extra jobs like heating cold foods and drinks to body temperature, or digesting too much insoluble fibre (that could just end up as belly-aches and gas).



Buckwheat is an ‘ancient grain’ (less refined & mass-produced), more commonly used in Japanese and Eastern European cooking. It is low-medium GI, rich in fibre and magnesium making it a top choice of grain in the menstrual phase. Fibre will help slow the release of the sugars to the blood, in turn, stabilising blood sugars and energy release, and magnesium will aid muscular cramps (and PMS cramps) as well generally calming and relaxing smooth muscle tissue.

Also incredibly high in two particular flavonoids; rutin and quercetin. Both have been shown (esp rutin) to offer significant protection against blood clot formation (easing painful cramps and passing of clots), and quercetin also reduces inflammatory response. 


are particularly rich in antioxidants (especially the phytochemical anthocyanin - giving the dark blue/indigo color) that elicit anti-inflammatory effects, and neuroprotection, as well as general beneficial antioxidant action on vascular function and regulating glucose.


Low GI fruit, rich in B6, magnesium, and can help with period pain and cramps. Fibre ensures slower release of sugar to the blood whilst keeping blood sugars stable, as well as aiding digestion and get health.


Contain a potent amount of Vitamin E; not only great for the health of your skin (yes, that glow) & liver (think hormone detoxing), but can also alleviate symptoms of painful periods and other PMS symptoms.

Almonds are a high protein nut, and the healthy fats = balanced mood.


(found in high quantities in the hemp seeds) reduce inflammation, cramping and PMS discomfort, 

(Omega) fats are the building blocks of hormones themselves. Hormones (esp. oestrogen, FHS (and LH)) begin to rise from baseline in this phase.


Unlike sugars or any other syrups, blackstrap molasses has medicinal benefits; and  has been used to support bone and hair health, help cleanse the liver (and support oestrogen clearance)

Its 3 rounds of boiling condenses the nutrients; 

rich in antioxidants, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, B6 and containing 20% of the RDA of iron in 1 tbsp, it is a great addition to your diet during the menstrual phase.

Iron is especially important now for blood rebuilding (as you lose blood with your menstruation); supporting RBC production -> oxygen transport -> energy support




1 tbsp ground flax seeds (soaked in 2 tbsp water for 10 min)

1⁄4 cup buckwheat flour

2 tbsp ground almonds

2 tsp ground ginger

1⁄2 tsp baking powder

1⁄4 tsp bicarbonate of soda

1 tbsp coconut sugar (or desired sweetener)

pinch of salt

1 medium banana (halved)

1 free-range egg

3 tbsp plant-based milk

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar (ACV)

1⁄2 cup blueberries, fresh: washed & gently patted dry, or frozen

For the Omega nut butter:

1 tbsp your favourite nut butter (recommend almond, crunchy is nice too)

1 tbsp hemp oil, MCT oil, or cold pressed omega oil

1 tbsp hemp seeds

To serve (optional):

Molasses or maple syrup

Yoghurt (coconut or organic live dairy)


In a small bowl, soak the flax seeds in water, stir until thickened slightly to avoid clumping.

Combine the dry ingredients: buckwheat flour and ground almonds, ground ginger, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda, coconut sugar, and salt in a large mixing bowl and mix. 

Place half of the banana, the egg (or soaked chia seeds), milk, ACV, and soaked flax seeds into a high-speed blender and blend until completely smooth.

Pour the blended wet ingredients into the large mixing bowl of dry ingredients, and stir through using a fork, wooden spoon or whisk to form a smooth batter. Small air bubbles should start to appear.

Slice the remaining half of the banana into 1cm circles and add to the bowl, along with the blueberries and give a gentle stir, just to incorporate them into the batter.

Heat your waffle iron and brush with a little oil to prevent sticking. Once hot, scoop a heaped 1⁄4 cup of batter into the waffle iron, use the back of the scoop to roughly distribute the batter, and close the waffle iron shut. Cook for around 5-7 minutes. Allow the waffle iron to steam, which ensures a crispy outsides.

Whilst the waffles (or pancakes) are cooking, make the omega nut butter. Mix together the nut

butter and omega oil in a small bowl with a fork or teaspoon until smooth. Add the hemp seeds and stir again.

To serve, drizzle the omega nut butter over the waffles (/pancakes), drizzle with a little molasses or maple syrup if desired, and optionally coconut or plain Greek yoghurt.

Blueberry Banana Buckwheat Pancakes with Omega Nut Butter, coconut yoghurt and Blackstrap Molasses, a perfect breakfast for cycle syncing in the Menstrual Phase


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