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These jammy plums with a toasted zesty hemp seed topping make the perfect dessert or great to add to a bowl of granola and yoghurt (or kefir) for a Follicular breakfast.

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Jammy grilled plums, topped with a zesty hemp seed crumb, served with honey on Greek yoghurt

I love how this is such a super simple recipe to champion the humble plum (Jump straight to recipe) and every ingredient in this recipe has been chosen for its specifically supportive properties to the Follicular Phase (jump to nutritional properties)

Plums, when they are in season are unreal... When stewing or grilling them, a more tart and intense - yet jammy - flavour is brought out & they really don't need much else! Hence pairing them with one of the best combinations in the world; yoghurt and honey.

I chose to spice the honey, not essential but recommended as it goes so well with the citrus zest and ensures the honey isn't lost in the jammy sweet plums.

The zesty hemp seed crumb goes all dark and toasty, which all together, is just a perfectly light yet satisfying (not to mention perfectly nutritionally balanced) plethora of flavours.


Follicular Phase -specific:


Raw (well-sourced dairy and honey) is perfect for the Follicular Phase, which for the purpose of a delicious recipe are paired alongside grilled/baked plums. Grilling / baking / roasting is more of a Luteal / Menstrual cooking style, though in this phase pretty much anything goes (even make a batch and store in the fridge to enjoy cold).


In this phase, keeping protein intake high is key (Greek yoghurt is a great source of protein. Can also be subbed with cottage cheese, quark or kefir). Carbs are good, especially around training, and in other cases (like this - fruits and honey) make sure to balance sugars with fiber and fats (/& protein) to ensure stable blood sugars (like this; plums are fibrous fruits, hemp seeds are great healthy fat source, Greek yoghurt contains both fats and protein).


Hemp seeds = Healthy fats & Omega 6 & 3 (of the perfect ratio; 3:1), essential for egg maturation, supporting energy levels, mental focus & brain health. Also great source of dietary fiber, Vitamin E, & digestible plant-based protein.

Lemon = zesty, tart, (& slightly bitter) flavour. Good for digestion. & (negligible) vitamin C content good to include in this phase for iron absorption & remineralisation.

Plums = high fiber; prebiotic; great for gut health and digestion. Plums are also rich in antioxidants (particularly polyphenol antioxidants and anthocyanins), very important in this phase to keep balanced hormones, protect cells from free radical damage.

Greek yoghurt =

  • probiotics: in the Follicular phase particularly, increasing gut bacteria can improve overall digestion, as well as helping break down estrogen and eliminate via the bowels - aiding hormone balance.

  • protein: upping the protein in this phase as estrogen -the anabolic (building) hormone- rises; various amino acids (building blocks of proteins) aid the building of all tissues facilitated by estrogen.

  • calcium: increasing calcium in the Follicular phase, has been found in research to reduce PMS symptoms in the Luteal Phase..! Calcium for bone health; a known one, which if you're upping training at this time too (as you should be), believe it or not has an impact on bone building as well as muscle. (NB: Vit D is essential for calcium absorption, so ensure you're getting adequate amounts through sunlight, diet, or supplementation).

Honey = contains boron, which can help regulate hormones, increase testosterone levels, improve muscle coordination and thinking, and build strong bones and muscles.

Jammy grilled plums, topped with a zesty hemp seed crumb, served with honey on Greek yoghurt

Zesty Grilled Plums, with Hemp Seeds & Honey on Greek Yoghurt:


2 seasonal plums

1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Zest of 1 lemon 

1 tbsp hemp seeds

1/4 tsp flaky sea salt

1 tbsp raw honey (or syrup of your choice)

Organic, live Greek yoghurt

Bee pollen (optional)


  1. Preheat the oven to 180’C, then line a small baking tray with parchment paper. Wash the plums under running water and then pat dry. 

  2. Cut the plums in half and remove the stone. Drizzle a little extra-virgin olive oil onto a small side plate. Combine the sea salt, lemon zest and hemp seeds and spread onto a different side plate. 

  3. Place each plum half face down onto the olive oil and then onto the zesty hemp seed plate. Place the dipped plums face up onto the lined baking tray. 

  4. Bake in the oven for 7 minutes, then if your oven has a grill setting, grill the plums lightly for 2 minutes or until the top of the plums and seeds become crispy. 

  5. Allow to cool slightly before serving with a dollop of Greek yoghurt and a drizzle of honey. 

  6. Store the plums in an airtight container in the refrigerator for easy accompaniments to pancakes or overnight oats. Will keep for up to 5-6 days. 


  • Gently break the softened plums up in a bowl, swirl / stir in yoghurt or kefir, and spoon or carefully pour into popsicle molds and freeze for homemade frozen yoghurt lollies.

  • Make a large batch, keep in the fridge to enjoy cold on top of morning granola and yoghurt, or chia pudding.


All information is collation of own research and personal experience. G holds a Human Biosciences BSc degree, and has completed a Nutritional Chef course, as well as having cooked alongside a Naturopathic chef for over 4 years, and worked with/for central London renowned health food businesses in both developmental and practical roles.

G has a wide array of experience and diverse skill set to now cook and eat incredibly intuitively. With developed and refined self- and cycle- awareness, intuition and kitchen skills, this platform is to pass on G's research and findings, and intuitively created recipes (that will apply widely since they are equally founded upon and combined with scientific findings in female hormonal research).

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