LENGTH: 1-2 days (10-12hrs within a ~24hr window)
DAY ~14
An energy peak - you're feeling your best, you have lots of love, time, energy to give to everyone
Expressive! Outward-focus
Energised and confident
Plump and glowing skin, tight and toned body
Energised and confident
Peak in sex drive
Discharge: Wet! Slippery, clear, fertile cervical mucus, with stretchy egg-white consistency a few days before and during ovulation

Productivity; for high-energy tasks
Social activities
Pleasure (in everything)
Things come with ease
The dominant follicle ruptures, and the egg is released from the ovary to patiently wait to be fertilized (or not).
A few days before ovulation, oestrogen reaches her peak, triggering a dramatic release / surge in LH (leutenizing hormone). LH pushes the final maturation and growth spurt of the follicle and weakens the follicle wall, leading it to rupture and release the egg. It is then taken up by the finger-like projections of the fallopian tube which gently push it towards the uterus.
If unfertilized: the egg dissolves in the fallopian tube, the remainders of the ruptured follicle turn into the corpus luteum (more on that in the Luteal Phase).
If fertilized by a sperm cell: the egg carries on towards the uterus (a 3-5 day journey) where it will take another ~3 days to implant into the endometrial lining. It will already start developing on its way there, and will be a multiplying ball of cells by the time it is secure in the uterus --pregnancy.
Ovulation occurs within a very short 24 hour window (usually between 10-12 hrs herein), and 14 days following the release of the egg will be the next period.